


“Hello! I am now studying in Ukraine. I haven’t received any evacuation notices yet. I don’t have a car. Trains are not available now. What should I do?”

“Notice on Taking Chartered Trains to Evacuate from Ukraine to Neighboring Countries in the West for Chinese Nationals Make sure you can be reached by phone. Hope you are safe and sound.”

On the afternoon of March 1st, Zhu, a student from Chongqing studying at the National University of Kyiv in Ukraine, sent a message to Chongqing Foreign Affairs WeChat account to seek help. After knowing about his urgent need, the Foreign Affairs Office of the Chongqing Municipal Government attached great importance to it. Our staff got in touch with Zhu as soon as possible and provided him with information for his safe evacuation such as the Notice on Taking Chartered Trains to Evacuate from Ukraine to Neighboring Countries in the West for Chinese Nationals. Keeping close communication with Zhu, we added him as friend on WeChat to follow up on his evacuation, safety, and how he coped with the stressful situation. By doing so, Chongqing was doing our fair share in the country’s overall efforts to evacuate the Chinese nationals from Ukraine. As of March 22nd, nearly 100 WeChat messages were exchanged with Zhu.

On the early morning of March 2nd, Zhu left us a message, “I am already on the bus arranged by the Chinese Embassy in Ukraine.” At around 6 a.m., we replied, “Great! Wish you a safe journey back to the motherland.” We learned from Zhu that he was on the bus arranged by the Chinese Embassy to Romania via Moldova. He flew back to China on a chartered flight from Bucharest Otopeni Airport and was in medical quarantine in Jinan, Shandong Province.

Nearly half a month after the evacuation, Zhu still vividly remembered what he had experienced during the evacuation from Ukraine. Although there were difficulties, he was warmed and touched by the help extended to him. Zhu was grateful for the motherland, the Chinese Embassy, and each one who had assisted him.

Zhu recalled that on the early morning of February 24th in Kyiv, he was awakened by a huge explosion. He didn’t know what happened at the time, and it was not until late morning that he learned of the conflict from the news. His classmates and friends called the Chinese Embassy for help immediately. They were told to be calm, stay at home, or go to the air-raid shelter. The Chinese Embassy was making arrangements for the evacuation of Chinese nationals.

“At that time, some with vehicles drove out of Ukraine. Some evacuated to surrounding countries by train. While we were waiting for the arrangements of the Chinese Embassy.” According to Zhu, on February 27th, he received the notice from the Chinese Embassy to sign up and prepare to evacuate. On March 1st, Zhu safely evacuated to Romania via Moldova by bus arranged by the Chinese Embassy.

Zhu said that they took the bus at the border prepared by the Chinese Embassy in Moldova. Chinese chambers of commerce and local Chinese people helped the Chinese Embassy in Romania to receive those who evacuated from Ukraine and provided free food and accommodation. What impressed him was that he found a Chongqing restaurant in Romania. The owner was from Chongqing. Zhu, who hadn’t had warm food for a long time, was happy and satisfied after eating the familiar dishes of his hometown.

On March 9th, Zhu left Romania by a chartered flight and arrived in Jinan, Shandong Province on March 10th. With excitement, Zhu said that “The moment when the plane landed, I was really happy! Very happy! All of a sudden, the pressure was gone, and I felt truly safe!” Then, he went through the quarantine at the designated hotel.

When it came to asking for help from the Foreign Affairs Office of his hometown, Zhu said that he started to follow Chongqing Foreign Affairs WeChat official account very early. When the Chinese Embassy was not in immediate reach, the first thing that came to his mind was to seek help from the government authority of his hometown. “I just gave it a shot by sending a message to Chongqing Foreign Affairs WeChat official account. I never expected to get an immediate response and important information.” Zhu said that the staff of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Chongqing Municipal Government had kept a close contact with him and let him feel assured. This was the responsibility of Chongqing Foreign Affairs Office and its care to the people.

“I’m all excited about going back to my hometown Chongqing soon.” Immediately after his quarantine, Zhu wanted to have Chongqing hotpot - spicy and delicious food of hometown that he hadn’t had for so long.

Another one with similar experience as Zhu was Zhou, a student from Chongqing who was also studying at the National University of Kyiv. He evacuated from Kyiv before Zhu. On the evening of February 28th in Kyiv, Zhou received a notice of evacuation from the Chinese Embassy in Ukraine. On the morning of March 1st, he evacuated from Kyiv by bus, went to Romania via Moldova, and returned to China by a chartered flight on March 5th. After medical quarantine in Lanzhou, he came back to Chongqing on March 20th.

It was all about warmth and touching moments that Zhou had experienced when evacuating from Ukraine. He also shared with us heart-warming moments when he took the chartered flight. The check-in time was delayed, waiting for those who hadn’t arrived yet. The airlines staff kept comforting everyone, “Please don’t worry. We will wait until every Chinese national has boarded the plane before taking off. Everyone will return home safely.” These words had struck the heartstrings of Zhou. On the plane, there were national flags and words that read “Welcome Home”. Zhou was moved to tears and spoke out his mind, “I will never regret being a Chinese!”

“After this, I have known how precious life is.” Zhou said that he would spend more time with his family and contribute his bit to the motherland after his graduation.

On the afternoon of March 9th, Kyiv Time, with the last batch of Chinese students from Sumy arriving at the railway station of Lviv, a Ukrainian city in the west, the Chinese Ambassador to Ukraine H.E. Fan Xianrong announced that the evacuation of Chinese nationals from Ukraine had been successfully completed.

















“Zhu, please keep in touch!” Safe Evacuation of a Chongqing Student from Ukraine“朱同学,请保持联系!”重庆籍留学生安全



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