

The Fifth Session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) was held in Beijing on March. Entrusted by the Chinese people, thousands of deputies to the National People’s Congress and CPPCC members gathered in the capital city to make suggestions and discuss national issues. Liu Qi, a member of the CPPCC National Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director-General of the Chongqing Municipal Culture and Tourism Commission, focused on people’s well-being and livelihood, reform and development, bringing to Beijing the voices and expectations of the people of the mountain city.

Chongqing Entitled to be the Main Ground of the Yangtze River National Culture Park

“Yangtze River is the Largest River in China. Chongqing, a core city on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, is an important channel for the exchange and integration of the cultures of Bashu, the Central Plains, Jingchu, and Wuyue, is a key representative of the Yangtze River civilization, and plays a major role in the construction of the Yangtze River Culture Park”. Liu Qi suggested that Chongqing be included in the key construction area of the Yangtze River National Culture Park. As the world’s largest inland mountain and river city, Chongqing is entitled to be the “main ground” for the construction of the Yangtze River National Culture Park.

In January this year, the Chinese National Government officially initiated the construction of the Yangtze River National Culture Park. As the only centrally-administered municipality in central and western China, Chongqing is an anchor in the Large-scale Western Development and a juncture of the Silk Road Economic Belt, the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and the Yangtze Economic Belt, and one of the two hubs of the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin-City Economic Mega-Region. It is also the core area of the Yangtze River International Golden Tourism Belt and the place where many major national strategies converge.

Liu Qi shared a set of data in his proposal: Chongqing enjoys an urban development history of over 3,000 years, which includes various development stages, namely, four city-building periods, cross-river port opening, the Republic of China period, the Anti-Japanese Aggression War period as the wartime capital, the Southwest Region, etc. The Yangtze River runs through the whole territory of Chongqing, with a flow of 691 kilometers, accounting for 10.8% of its total mileage. The Bayu culture, Three Gorges culture, Anti-Japanese Aggression War culture, revolutionary culture, united front culture, and the great migration culture are intertwined here. Chongqing is also home to one World Cultural Heritage Site, three World Natural Heritage Sites, and Diaoyu Fortress and Baiheliang (White Crane Ridge) are on the World Cultural Heritage Tentative List. The Three Gorges Area has 124 cultural resources, which are highly recognizable in the Yangtze River culture. Chongqing’s Yangtze River mainstream has 15,155 immovable cultural heritage sites/artifacts, including 53 national key cultural heritage protection units and 251 municipal-level cultural heritage protection units; 509,082 movable cultural heritage sites/artifacts, including 30,557 precious sites/artifacts. The heritage protection workload of the Chongqing reservoir area accounts for 78% of the total Three Gorges heritage protection project.

Liu Qi pointed out that, over the years, the level of heritage conservation and utilization of the Yangtze River in Chongqing continues to enhance. A series of important discoveries have shown the most complete and longest prehistoric cultural sequence in the upper Yangtze River region so far.

The Yangtze River Three Gorges route is one of the earliest tourist routes launched to the international market in China. The Three Gorges is a world-class tourist destination renowned at home and abroad, and also a national leader in terms of the scale of the inland river cruise economy. In 2020, Chongqing ranks fifth in the country for domestic tourists counts and third in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and tops the 60 key tourism cities in the country in terms of comprehensive satisfaction level for tourism services for two consecutive years.

In recent years, the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee and Chongqing Municipal Government have attached great importance to the cultural development of the Yangtze River, accumulated many experiences in promoting the Yangtze River culture, and telling the story of the Yangtze. The results of research on the Yangtze River culture are fruitful. Liu Qi said that as the world’s largest inland mountain and river city, strengthening the construction of the Yangtze River National Culture Park (Chongqing section) is of great practical significance and urgency.

Proposal for Joint Nomination of China and Egypt for World Hydrological Heritage

In the Proposal on the Joint Nomination of China and Egypt for World Hydrological Heritage, Liu Qi proposed that China and Egypt are both ancient civilizations in human history, both have great rivers in their territories that nurtured human history and civilization, and are hydrological heritage countries in the world that still have physical remains of water level observation (only Baiheliang Ancient Hydrological Inscription of China and ancient nilometers of Egypt). The joint nomination of the two countries for World Heritage will help promote China-Egypt bilateral relations and promote the diversification of world civilization.

“Both Baiheliang Ancient Hydrological Inscription and the ancient nilometers are located on the world’s great rivers, are the remains of ancient hydrological facilities that recorded long sequences of hydrological information, representing the close relationship of the two different agricultural civilizations with their respective river water resources in Asia and Africa.” Liu Qi said the Baiheliang inscription has recorded 72 low water years at the Wujiangkou section of the Yangtze River mainstream from Tang Dynasty to modern China spanning across 1,200 years. The nilometers have recorded water level information for a historical span of more than 1,300 years, with a continuous water level record of 662 years. In Baiheliang, there was a traditional folk proverb that says “when the stonefish surfaces from water, it is an omen for a good year”, which reflects the ancient Chinese people’s observation and summary of river flooding and regional drought and flood patterns. The monitoring of the water level of the nilometers reflects the direct correlation between the rise and fall of the water level of the Nile and the agricultural production of food by the ancient Egyptian people.

In the past decade, the number of successful cross-national heritage nominations has been on the rise. In Liu Qi’s view, the joint nomination of China and Egypt for World Heritage is not only conducive to strengthening the protection, management, and promotion of ancient hydrological data of the two countries, but also can facilitate China’s exchanges and cooperation in Africa, Arabia and even along the Belt and Road thanks to Egypt’s special geographical location, and build a community of shared future for mankind, including heritage conservation. For UNESCO, it can fill the gap of hydrological heritage nominations on the current World Heritage List and enhance the balance of World Heritage.














Chongqing Fully Committed to Become a World-Renowned Tourist Destination 建设世界知名旅游目的地 重庆发出最强音



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